About me

Oh hello there!

I’m Harrison Wong, a Software Engineer from Singapore.

I spend most of my time working with modern mobile technologies such as Android and Flutter. I also do dabble with Web.

I’m passionate about using software to create meaningful products and experiences. You can check out my #buildinginpublic at my Twitter where I build interesting (and sometimes weird) software products such as Frablube.com, and occasionally retweet memes. Sometimes, I also do blogging on life and tech at harrizontal.com.

In my previous job, I'm Android Engineer for MindFi (YC21) where I headed the migration from Flutter to Native Android Kotlin. I also headed and involved (heavily) in other engineering and product related initiatives such as instrumenting of product analytics, data analytics, internal tools, dashboard and report generation.

After hours, you can typically find me walking around Marina Bay Sands, Singapore almost every night, with my earphones listening to my cruated Spotify playlist since 2013.

You can find me online on most platforms with the handle @harrizontal, including LinkedIn, GitHub, Twitter and Dribbble.

Alternatively, drop me an email at harrisonwjy@hotmail.com