Bye 2020. Hello 2021.

Hello everyone!
The year is coming to an end, and soon it's be the new year! Hopefully, a better one.
I don't usually write this such year end review for myself, but I figure it that it will be great for my personal growth.
But why write in the internet? If you ask me, I see it as a social accountability to those who read (hopefully), and this will probably push me harder for the new year.
It's my first time writing such year end review so I followed a format from this website, and probably this too.
In the next few headings, I will be reflecting on the different areas of life
I guess I got a job. Average pay, but I think I like what I am doing (for now)
Health and fitness
Since the start of June, I have been walking like 6 to 12km every day, and I lost around a few kilos. However, the frequency of walking starts to decline since late August... but good thing is my weight didn't increase!
Personal growth and development
No idea why, but this year I felt that I criticise myself a lot - or I would say, I am very critical of myself. Also, I always brush off compliments and dismiss achievements because I felt that all of this can be accomplished by everyone or sometimes I perceive it as disingenuous.
Clearly, all these signs are shows that my self-esteem is low.
Probably need to fix that...
Hmm... I didn't spend much this year though.... but I did spend more money on clothes than the last few years. Also, I am in debt (thanks to school loan)
Pretty good I guess!
Lots of sadness, rejections and belongs to the void...
Made a couple of new friends, but not that much though...
Fun and leisure
Can't remember what I have for fun this year.
Home/physical environment
This year, my desk's cupboard has a couple of books. Oh yes, I cleared my cupboard and now is looks cleaner than ever (throw my notes into storeroom because I'm gonna graduate). Added some LED strips lights... but it's for fun and not for practical use (sigh...)
What are my biggest accomplishments this year?
On the side, I also made some big accomplishments this year.
- Lost 12 kg (okay, let's keep it to 10kg) this year (since June)
- More physically active than the last few years (since June)
- Scored decent for my Final Year Project (Oh yes, you can read it here for more info of my FYP)
- Publish a demo paper for IJCAI and got accepted!! (20-30% accept rate, yay! my name is all over the internet lol)
- Made new and cool frenz
- Completed internship (a fruitful one)
What do you I want to accomplish next year?
First thing first, stay physically active, and lose another 15 kg.
I hope I can launch my small SAAS that I have recently started working on. I hope I can earn some income from there, and probably turn into a full time job.
And work on my self esteem and self confidence by being more kind to myself and remind myself that I am doing fine.
Thanks for reading but I am entirely sure this post is not completed yet. I started writing and thinking of it since 9pm 31/12/2020 so I definitely missed out some points. I will edit once something pops up in my head! :)